July 2014

Strict AIP Isn’t Meant To Last Forever – What Personalized AIP Looks Like.

A lot of the paleo autoimmune bloggers, myself included, offer our blogs as resources for people going through the elimination phase of the AIP. That’s the hardest menu to navigate, especially when you first make the switch. A lot of your standard meals are no longer an option, and it helps to have guidance on the foods you can eat. A side effect, though, is that many people think we still eat strict AIP. It’s not true. None of us do. So this article is designed to show you what life on the AIP looks like long-term. Dr. Sarah Ballantyne and other AIP leaders share their reintro journeys. I also share tips on how to personalize the AIP for you

photo collage of featured recipes

50 Fantastic Paleo AIP Recipes for Summertime

Summer…what a wonderful season: cookouts and picnics, water fights and firefly strolls, basking in the sun, cooling off in the shade, overflowing gardens and the siren call of ice cream. This recipe roundup gives you 50 ways to celebrate, from grilled entrees and side dishes, to delicious salads, and frozen treats!

Melted Zucchini and Onions | Phoenix Helix

Melted Zucchini and Onions (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls, Whole30)

You know how overcooking veggies makes them bland and tasteless? There’s an exception to every rule. Sometimes, cooking them low and slow concentrates their flavor in a way that simply transforms them. That’s how I feel about this recipe. It’s easy to prepare, and luscious in flavor (the best kind of recipe.)

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