Success Stories

While there is no cure for autoimmune disease, the choices we make every day can have a powerful impact on how we feel. Below you’ll find real-life stories of autoimmune warriors who have improved their health through the power of nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. You can also browse this category by type: articles and podcasts.

Episode 30: Healing Stories 3

If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I often start my shows with personal stories, where my guests share their health journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. But at least once a year, I dedicate an episode to back-to-back healing stories, and I make an effort to speak to people with different autoimmune diagnoses each time. In this episode, my guests share their journeys with Scleroderma, Polymyositis, Raynaud’s, Psoriasis, Grave’s Disease, Uveitis, and Parkinson’s Disease.

Sophie’s Healing Story (Hashimoto’s)

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that affects over 10 million people in the US alone. Damaging the thyroid gland, it creates symptoms so wide-ranging and confusing that it can be hard to diagnose. Sophie experienced a dramatic health decline that left her unable to work or care for her children. Today, she’s feeling 95% better. She shares her story with us today, including what diet and lifestyle changes made the biggest difference for her.

Episode 14: Healing Stories 2

This episode includes 5 interviews with people maximizing their autoimmune health through the paleo diet and lifestyle. There’s nothing more inspiring than real life stories. Episode 1 of this podcast included 5 such stories and it is the most popular episode to date. Today we have a sequel and will talking about Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s, Myasthenia Gravis, Diabetes, Sarcoidosis, Cardiomyopathy and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Angela’s Healing Story (Sjogren’s Syndrome)

By the time Angela was diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, she was so disabled, she could no longer care for her children. Now, after 3 years on a ketogenic paleo diet, her symptoms are 85% gone, and she’s been able to reclaim her life. She shares the details of her healing journey with us today.

Episode 1 of the Phoenix Helix Podcast: Healing Stories

Let’s take it back to my very first podcast episode. The Phoenix Helix Podcast is dedicated 100% to autoimmune healing. I decided to kick off Episode 1 with personal healing stories. 4 guests and I talk about our rock bottom with autoimmune disease, how far we’ve come, and what diet and lifestyle choices made the biggest difference in our health.

Laura’s Healing Story (Ulcerative Colitis)

Today is World IBD Day, and what better day to share a story about healing ulcerative colitis? When Laura was diagnosed in March 2013, her doctor actually recommended the paleo diet. How cool is that? She’s been paleo ever since. In today’s interview, she shares the details of her first year of healing.

Christie’s Healing Story (Psoriasis & Chronic Fatigue)

I have another inspiring success story to share. This time it’s Christie, who not only is healing her psoriasis through the paleo autoimmune protocol, but also eliminated depression, panic attacks, migraines, chronic fatigue, and more. But this isn’t a story about perfection. It’s about persistence, and the honest sharing of a journey that includes setbacks alongside successes.

Angie’s Healing Story (Celiac, Endometriosis & Lichen Sclerosus)

Angie has celiac disease, endometriosis and an autoimmune skin condition. During the 15 years it took for her to be fully diagnosed, she endured numerous hospital visits, extreme pain and psychiatric symptoms that made her consider checking herself into a mental hospital. The gut-brain connection is real. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol not only restored her physical health, but her mental health as well. She shares her journey with us today.

Charles’ Healing Story (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

Today’s post is another inspiring success story. Charles has ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune condition that affects the spine. At its worst, Charles lived a life of constant, debilitating pain, where pain medication had no effect. His disease also caused a dangerous heart condition. After 2 weeks on a no-starch version of the paleo diet, his pain reduced to a 0-1. Two years later, he continues to maintain the diet, and his heart condition has healed.

Russ’ Healing Story (Takayasu’s Arteritis)

Today, we have another inspiring success story. Russ Crandall has a rare autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in his arteries. He had a stroke at age 24 and open heart surgery at age 26. Medication moderated his symptoms, but It wasn’t until he discovered the Paleo Diet at age 29, that his health started to improve.

Katy’s Healing Story (Inflammatory Arthritis & Crohn’s Disease)

The GAPS, Wahls and Paleo Diets are powerful healing templates, but they often work best when personalized to our needs. Through patience, perseverance, and customizing her diet, Katy has reversed both Crohn’s disease and Inflammatory Arthritis. She shares the details of her healing journey with us in this interview.

Terry’s Healing Story (Multiple Sclerosis)

When you’re famous, like Dr. Terry Wahls, a lot of people simplify your story. Did you know that Terry has never claimed to be cured? She still has MS symptoms, just far less than before. In this interview, I ask the questions not often asked, like what symptoms still remain and what medication she’s still taking. Where the diet is hard for her, and how her family responded. I think it helps us to see the human journey beyond the hero tales. Because we’re all walking this path in real life. It’s nice to know our heroes are on the ground, right alongside us.

eileen's feet in the sand with the ocean in the background

Eileen’s Healing Story Part 1 (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

This was the very first post I wrote on my blog, and describes my rock bottom with rheumatoid arthritis, and the beginning of reclaiming a beautiful life. If you are at rock bottom right now, I want you to know there’s hope.

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