
This biweekly podcast features interviews with experts in the fields of nutrition, lifestyle, mindset, integrative medicine, and autoimmune disease. It also highlights personal stories of the autoimmune experience. To quickly see all the topics covered, here’s a Text List of Episodes. You can also subscribe through your favorite podcast app: iTunes, Stitcher, Google, TuneIn, Spotify, Amazon, etc.

Episode 164: Best Of – AIP FAQ

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! One of my goals is to make the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol as simple to follow as possible. In this episode, I dedicate an entire podcast to the most frequently asked questions I’ve received: Will the AIP work for my diagnosis? Is it helpful if you don’t have autoimmune disease? Does it replace medication? How does it differ from the Wahls Protocol? Why can’t I just do an allergy test? Can you do the AIP as a vegetarian? Why isn’t coffee allowed? Can you have sugar on the AIP? I’m constantly hungry – what do I do? Tune in to get answers to these questions, and many more. 

Episode 163: Best Of – DNRS with Annie Hopper

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! If you’re experiencing symptoms without a diagnosis, or symptoms that remain in spite of all the interventions you’ve tried, this episode is for you. DNRS is a therapy based on neuroplasticity. With chronic illness, symptoms can actually become wired into our brains, even when the triggers for those symptoms are removed. DNRS is a therapy done at home, that rewires the brain (and body) for health. What types of conditions have been helped? Post-COVID syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic Lyme disease, multiple chemical sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, mold toxicity, chronic inflammatory response syndrome, mast cell activation, food sensitivities, chronic pain, mental health issues, and more. In this podcast, I speak with Annie Hopper, the creator of DNRS. She explains what this program is and how it works.

AIP Celebrations

Episode 162: AIP Celebrations

One of the joys of living is celebrating special occasions with those we love, and food often ends up being a central part of that celebration. What happens when your diet has changed and you’re no longer eating traditional celebration foods? The answer isn’t to give up on celebrations. Life is meant to be enjoyed! It just takes a little creativity to adapt the food piece in a way that’s delicious, special, and supports your healing at the same time. In this episode, two AIP experts share their favorite ways to do that. We’ll be talking about year-round holidays, birthdays, and parties in general. Whether it’s an anniversary, a graduation, or a retirement celebration, you can serve AIP food so delicious everyone will enjoy it! 

Perfectionism with Dr. Judy Tsafrir

Episode 161: Perfectionism with Dr. Judy Tsafrir

Often, perfectionism is seen as a positive trait. What’s wrong with striving for excellence? Nothing, but there’s a difference between healthy striving and perfectionism. Healthy striving is a self-compassionate mindset that allows for mistakes, learns from them, sets challenging but achievable goals, and adapts as needed. Perfectionism fears failure, despises mistakes, sets unattainable goals, and feels shame and self-judgement when those impossible goals aren’t met. When you apply perfectionism to autoimmune disease, your diagnosis may feel like your fault, and every flare may feel like a failure. You may believe that if you just lived your life perfectly, you could cure yourself. I am a recovering perfectionist, so I have felt all of these things. Don’t judge yourself if you have felt this way, too. In this podcast, we explore the connection between autoimmune disease and perfectionism. My guest is Dr. Judy Tsafrir, a holistic psychiatrist who approaches mental health from a functional medicine perspective. She strives to treat root causes in her practice, rather than just symptoms.

Episode 160: Insomnia & CBT-I with Dr. Jade Wu

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is more effective than sleeping pills, and doesn’t come with side effects. How compelling is that? We talk a lot about the importance of sleep on this podcast. Lack of sleep can lead to autoimmune flares, which in turn can interfere with sleep, creating a vicious cycle. This happens to everyone once in a while, and there are some basic interventions we can do to support our ability to sleep well. But what if you’ve tried all the basics, and nothing seems to work? That’s called chronic insomnia, and that’s the focus of our podcast today. CBT-I is specifically designed to help you overcome chronic insomnia. My guest is Dr. Jade Wu, a clinical psychologist and behavioral sleep medicine researcher. The focus of her research is treating sleep disorders in people with chronic illness. 

Graves' Disease with Dr. Abbi Lulsegged

Episode 159: Graves’ Disease with Dr. Abbi Lulsegged

Most of my podcast episodes focus on autoimmune health in general, with information that can help all of us regardless of diagnosis. But I also enjoy doing occasional diagnosis spotlights. This is where we take a detailed look at one particular autoimmune disease. Today, we’re focusing on Graves’ Disease. When it comes to thyroid autoimmune disorders, we hear a lot more about Hashimoto’s in the paleo autoimmune community. Yet Graves’ Disease is also one of the top five autoimmune diagnoses. It affects millions of people around the world. My guest is Dr. Abbi Lulsegged, a functional endocrinologist practicing in London, UK with over 25 years of clinical experience. He believes strongly in investigating the root causes of a patient’s problems and treating people holistically.

Episode 158: Inflammation with Dr. Will Cole

Inflammation is a natural part of being human – in fact, it can save our lives, but when it gets out of control, it can also cause damage. People with autoimmune disease know that very well. Every time we have an autoimmune flare, inflammation is part of that process. The higher the inflammation, the worse the flare. Not only that, but chronic inflammation is both a symptom of autoimmune disease and a root cause. How do we interrupt that cycle? How do we manage acute inflammation in the moment, and reduce chronic inflammation long-term? My guest for this podcast is Dr. Will Cole, a leading functional medicine expert and author of the book, The Inflammation Spectrum. He specializes in identifying and treating the root causes of chronic illness.

The Healing Power of Journaling with Olwen Wilson

Episode 157: The Healing Power of Journaling with Olwen Wilson

In the research, they call it expressive writing or art therapy. At home, we call it journaling. This simple practice is an amazing stress management and self-awareness tool. It helps release emotions that are difficult to let go, gain clarity to make difficult decisions, uncover hidden parts of yourself, express gratitude, discover playfulness, and simply honor and accept where you are in the moment. You don’t have to be a writer or an artist to keep a journal and gain these benefits. In this podcast, we’ll be focusing on using creative journals for autoimmune health. My guest is Olwen Wilson, a woman with autoimmune disease herself who also teaches the art of journaling.

Cultural Foods and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

Episode 156: Cultural Foods and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

We all come from cultural backgrounds where food is part of our family heritage. Did you grieve lost food traditions when you went paleo or AIP? Did you find AIP versions that came close? Or did you find new ways to celebrate those traditions? These are the questions I’m asking my guests today. 

Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman

Episode 155: Nutritious Movement with Katy Bowman

We talk a lot about nutrient density and diversity on this podcast. Every food has a unique nutrient profile, and when we get in food ruts and eat the same thing every day, our nutrition suffers. The same thing happens with movement. Modern life limits the way we move our bodies, but then chronic illness can limit it even more. This creates a vicious cycle. How do we break free and expand our ability to move, enhancing our health at the same time? My guest is Katy Bowman, a biomechanist, teacher, speaker, and author. She’s written 8 books, including the bestselling Move Your DNA, which has been translated into more than a dozen languages.

Episode 154: COVID-19 & Autoimmune Disease Update with Dr. Aly Cohen

Back in March, I recorded our first episode on the Coronavirus. Now, it’s time for an update. How are people with autoimmune disease faring? What’s the single biggest factor in recovery? What supplements and lifestyle choices support immune health? How do we navigate restrictions vs. reopening? And how do we support our mental health during the challenges of a long-term pandemic? My guest is Dr. Aly Cohen, an integrative rheumatologist who will be sharing the latest research with us.

Gender, Race, and Autoimmunity with Dr. Maggie Cadet

Episode 153: Gender, Race, and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maggie Cadet

78% of autoimmune patients are women, and some diagnoses are 2-3 times more common among women of color. When it comes to healthcare, ideally we all get the same treatment, but many people have experienced some form of bias in the doctor’s office. Research shows this leads to serious health consequences. How can we address a problem this big – both as patients who want to get the best care, and as a community that cares about excellent healthcare for all? My guest is Dr. Maggie Cadet, a rheumatologist who is passionate about eliminating disparities in healthcare.

Episode 152: Mind-Body Techniques for Pain with Vidyamala Burch

We hear a lot about the mind-body connection, but what are its uses and what are its limits? Are there techniques we can use to minimize pain and manage it better? How does the stress response increase pain’s intensity? How does guarding against pain add a second layer of tension that can make pain worse? Vidyamala Burch has lived with chronic pain for over 40 years. Learning how to survive and thrive started as a personal goal and later became her professional mission. She’s an author, educator, and cofounder of Breathworks, a non-profit organization that teaches Mindfulness-Based Pain Management to individuals and organizations around the world.

Intuitive Eating and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol with Steph Gaudreau

Episode 151: Intuitive Eating and the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol with Steph Gaudreau

Many people think of the AIP as simply a list of foods you can and can’t eat, so how can intuition play a role? And if your intuition tells you to eat junk food, that derails health goals rather than supports them, right? So, how can these things possibly go together? In this podcast episode, we bust some myths about both of these dietary philosophies and see how they might be blended for autoimmune health.

Diagnosis Detective with Dr. William Mitchell

Episode 150: Diagnosis Detective with Dr. William Mitchell

There are over 100 different autoimmune diseases, and it takes an average of 4 years and 5 doctors to get an accurate diagnosis. I know many of you have been through this, or are going through this right now. Let me introduce Dr. William Mitchell, whom I call the Diagnosis Detective. He’s a naturopathic doctor who works in rheumatology. One of his passions is helping people cut through the chaos surrounding autoimmune diagnosis.

Sticking To It - Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon

Episode 149: Best Of – Sticking To It – Staying ON the Paleo AIP Wagon

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! Let’s be honest. The paleo autoimmune protocol is hard to do, and some people have a harder time than others. In this podcast, I invited 3 health & nutrition coaches onto the show, to share techniques that help their clients maintain a healthy lifestyle against all temptations and obstacles. All three of these ladies have personal experience following the autoimmune protocol for their own health as well. Let’s help each other succeed!

Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care with Dr. Lili Wagner

Episode 148: Self-Soothing vs. Self-Care with Dr. Lili Wagner

Self-soothing behaviors are the things we do to comfort ourselves in the moment, especially under stress. Sometimes those behaviors are healthy and double as self-care. Other times, they are the opposite of healthy. Most of us have impulses in both directions. What drives those impulses? How can we get in the habit of soothing ourselves in ways that both comfort us and support our health? My guest is Dr. Lili Wagner, a psychologist with over 20 years of experience treating patients. She’s also trained in nutrition, has 3 autoimmune diseases herself, and understands this topic both personally and professionally.

Loss of Oral Tolerance with Dr. Datis Karrazian | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 147: Loss of Oral Tolerance with Dr. Datis Kharrazian

Why does food intolerance increase with autoimmune disease? And why are some people able to reintroduce foods successfully while other people struggle? In this episode, I speak with a leader in the autoimmune health community: Dr. Datis Kharrazian. He’s a clinician, researcher, author, and expert on this issue. He shares the root causes behind this loss of tolerance, as well as practical tips to heal and expand food tolerance again.

Anxiety & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maureen Pierce | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 146: Anxiety & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Maureen Pierce

Many people with autoimmune disease struggle with anxiety as well. In this episode we talk about why that’s true, how anxiety can interfere with our lives, and share practical tips for addressing it in the moment, as well as strategies for reducing it long-term. My guest is Dr. Maureen Pierce, a health psychologist who specializes in working with people with chronic pain and chronic illness, as well as first responders.

Wahls Protocol Research Update | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 145: Wahls Protocol Research Update

Most of you are familiar with Dr. Terry Wahls. She’s a physician with multiple sclerosis who reversed her symptoms dramatically, going from a wheelchair to a bicycle after implementing diet and lifestyle changes. That program is now called The Wahls Protocol and has been the subject of multiple medical studies, proving its effectiveness for others as well. In this episode, we summarize all the research, from the very first study to the current clinical trial comparing the Wahls & Swank diets for patients with MS. We also talk about a future clinical trial which will compare the Wahls Protocol to medication.

Coronavirus & Autoimmune Disease with Andrea Nakayama | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 144: Early Pandemic Podcast – Coronavirus & Autoimmune Disease with Andrea Nakayama

Note to listeners: This podcast was recorded early in the pandemic in March 2020. While the advice on diet, lifestyle, and mindset still applies, scientifically we didn’t have full knowledge of the pandemic. For more up-to-date information, listen to the following episodes: In Episode 154, we discuss what increases and decreases risk for a severe COVID-19 infection outcome for people with autoimmune disease. In Episode 175, we talk about Long COVID Syndrome. And in Episode 187, we answer questions about COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune disease.

How to Survive an Autoimmune Flare | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 143: How to Survive an Autoimmune Flare

Flares are one of the scariest parts of autoimmune disease. They’re unpredictable, often very painful, sometimes disabling, and always disruptive to our plans. In this episode, three autoimmune warriors share their best tips for making it through autoimmune flares with strength and self-compassion. We talk about favorite foods, lifestyle hacks, mindset techniques, and more.

Episode 142: Osteoporosis & Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Amy Nett

Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and brittle, and it’s usually associated with aging. But it turns out that autoimmune disease increases our risk of getting this condition at a younger age. In this episode, we talk about why this is true and what we can do to prevent and reverse it. What tests are available? What treatments are helpful? What self-care steps are most effective for maintaining our bone health? My guest is functional medicine physician, Dr. Amy Nett. She answers these questions and more.

show notes image with photo of host and guest

Episode 141: Overcoming Sugar Cravings with Dr. Vickie Bhatia

While not everyone has a sweet tooth, a lot of us do, and it’s often hard to break the sugar habit. Why is that so true? It turns out there are a lot of forces driving those cravings: emotional, psychological, and even biological. It’s no wonder they’re not easy to resist. In today’s episode, we dive into the details. My guest is holistic psychologist Dr. Vickie Bhatia. We discuss everything from the gut microbiome and brain chemistry, to the emotions surrounding food, to the psychology of habit change. Most importantly, we share practical tips for making empowered food choices, and breaking the sugar craving cycle.

Autoimmunity & the Brain with Donna Jackson Nakazawa

Episode 140: Autoimmunity & the Brain with Donna Jackson Nakazawa

If you’ve ever experienced brain fog, anxiety, or mood issues alongside your autoimmune symptoms, you’re not alone. Doctors know that mental health issues often increase with an autoimmune diagnosis, and a new scientific discovery might explain why. There are cells in the brain called microglia that are actually part of the immune system. And just as our body’s immune system can go into overdrive and cause chronic inflammation with autoimmune disease, the same thing can happen in our brains. My guest is science journalist Donna Jackson Nakazawa. Her latest book is called The Angel and The Assassin, and it’s all about these little brain cells and how they can help us or harm us.

Episode 139: Healing Stories 7 | Phoenix Helix Podcast

Episode 139: Healing Stories 7

If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I often start my shows with personal stories, where my guests share their health journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. But at a least once a year, I dedicate an episode to back-to-back healing stories, and I make an effort to speak to people with different autoimmune diagnoses each time. In this episode, we talk about Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Endometriosis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Vasculitis, Celiac Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Antisynthetase Syndrome, and also Autoimmunity in general. And if you want to hear the prior Healing Stories podcasts, check out episodes 1, 14, 30, 43, 61, 87, and 113. Let’s inspire each other!

Episode 138: Best Of – Exercise and Autoimmune Disease

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes! The right exercise has the potential to improve our health, but the wrong exercise can cause an autoimmune flare. Our needs will often change from month to month, maybe even from day to day. In this podcast, I share my own experience of how my exercise needs have changed since being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I also interview 3 other people about their exercise experiences as well. One guest has multiple sclerosis, one has Crohn’s disease, and the other has Hashimoto’s.

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