The Final Episode of the Phoenix Helix Podcast

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podcast graphic with photo of eileen on a mountaintop, sunset behind her
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Finding a Way to Say Goodbye

Ten years ago in 2014, I recorded the very first episode of this podcast: Healing Stories #1. I interviewed autoimmune warriors about their journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. These were conversations I didn’t hear on other podcasts, and I was excited to create a space where people could share their stories. Last week, the 11th Healing Stories episode went live. It’s always been my favorite way to start the new year!

Today, I have an announcement: I’ve decided to retire from Phoenix Helix. I love that this podcast begins and ends with healing stories. It’s always been my goal to uplift the voices of people with autoimmune disease. Today, I want to celebrate the past 10 years of conversations, and tell you a little bit about what comes next.

First, the celebration! Over the past decade, this podcast has been listened to over 2 million times! I recorded 230 full-length episodes, featuring 349 guests, on a wide range of topics related to autoimmune health. I also released 13 mindset minisodes, sharing favorite techniques from my book: Healing Mindset. Seeing those stats brings a huge smile to my face, and it also blows my mind. When I started this podcast, I had no idea it would continue for a decade! It’s been such an honor and a joy.

Many of you have told me that my voice has been a comfort to you during difficult times, and that this podcast gave you hope. That means so much to me! That was always my mission, and I’m so grateful it’s reached so many. I want to reassure you that the podcast archive will stay available for many years to come. You can catch up on episodes you’ve missed, re-listen to your favorites, and continue to share it with people newly diagnosed with autoimmune disease. That’s the beauty of Phoenix Helix: it can live on without me.

My Newsletter About My Next Adventure

It was my passion for autoimmune health that led me to create Phoenix Helix, and now a new passion is leading me in a new direction. Here’s something you may not know about me. Novel writing has been my dream since childhood. I turned 55 years old on Christmas Eve, and it’s an age that excites me! I have more years behind me than ahead of me, and it’s time to take that dream off the back burner. I’ve started a special newsletter list for those of you who want to follow that journey: Sign up here.

I’ll also be working part-time as a freelance editor and proofreader. I love both aspects of writing: the creative part, but also the detail-oriented work that polishes text to make it the best it can be. If you know people who need an editor, they can email me for more information at: [email protected].

Thank You

I want to finish this final episode by expressing my thanks. I have so much gratitude for the past 10 years, and my biggest thanks is to you – my listeners! Without you, this podcast wouldn’t have lasted more than a few episodes.

I also want to thank my podcast sponsors, who provided the financial support to produce this podcast. I wouldn’t have been able to continue this venture without them either. Please continue to support them with your business.

To the people who have appeared as guests on this podcast, I loved every conversation. Thank you for taking the time to share your stories, knowledge, and wisdom.

Lastly, I want to thank my husband Tom for supporting every wild dream I have. He plays the guitar at the beginning and the end of every podcast episode, and many of you have told me his voice is soothing as well! In this final episode, he sings us home one more time.

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8 comments on “The Final Episode of the Phoenix Helix Podcast”

  1. I came here today for a brush up on some diet goals and found that you had retired. Thank you so much for your contribution, for your wisdom and stories; all tethered by your huge heart. Many Blessings to you on your continued journey and future endeavors ~

  2. My wife was able to reverse her auto immune numbers using the AIP diet and lifestyle change’s primarily those related to inflammatory emotions like stress. Your podcast was a huge part of her healing journey on the mind body soul education tour. THANK YOU!

  3. Thank you for your years of caring, sharing and education. You opened my eyes to my own journey of autoimmune wellness. Your Healing Mindset is a cherished tool I go back to frequently as well as your archived podcasts for not only myself, but also my own autoimmune clients in my practice.

    Your openness and honesty have been a huge blessing to people around the globe. May your next season be fruitful as well.

    Thank you friend,

    Brandi Loyd
    Soulsbyville, Ca

  4. Tracie Holden Foster

    Thank you so much for 10 years of informative, compassionate content! I will miss your podcast updates, but I wish you well on your next big adventure!

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