Search Results for: healing stories

Kylie’s Healing Story (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

When rheumatoid arthritis took over Kylie Hansen’s body, it felt like being set on fire from the inside. The pain was excruciating, and she struggled to care for her young children. Many medications failed before she found ones that helped, but she wondered if there was anything she could do to reduce her symptoms. That’s when she found the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. While it wasn’t a cure, it allowed her to reduce her medication, mitigate the side effects, and feel empowered that she could make a positive difference in her own health.

Evelyn’s Healing Story (Vitiligo & Eczema)

Evelyn Thai overcame life-long eczema that she thought was just part of her family genetics. She also stopped her progression of vitiligo. In this interview, she honestly shares her curving path to health, including stress-eating impulses she had to overcome, and the importance of the mind-body connection. She learned that healing isn’t just about physical symptoms. It’s about mental and emotional health as well.

Dan Healing Story

Dan’s Healing Story (Psoriatic Arthritis, Psoriasis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

While all of us would like to be overnight success stories, the autoimmune journey is rarely that simple. Healing isn’t linear. It takes trial and error to find what works for our unique bodies, which hopefully leads to growing improvement over time. Dan’s story is an inspiring one of strength, resilience, and persistence. He shares the details with us today.

Emily's Healing Story (Type 1 Diabetes & Eczema) | Phoenix Helix

Emily’s Healing Story (Type 1 Diabetes & Eczema)

Because diabetes is so common and there are different types, many people don’t realize that Type 1 is an autoimmune disease. The beta cells in the pancreas are attacked, and the body can no longer make enough insulin. Emily was shocked when she got her diagnosis, but as you read this interview, you’ll see that she is the epitome of an empowered patient. Not only did she identify the symptoms and go to the doctor quickly, she also implemented diet and lifestyle changes that made blood sugar management much easier. These same diet and lifestyle changes also eliminated the eczema she had been experiencing for years.

Debra's Healing Story (Graves' Disease)

Debra’s Healing Story (Graves’ Disease)

Two of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases in the world affect the thyroid. Hashimoto’s Disease causes hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid). Graves’ Disease causes hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). Conventional doctors will often say that diet and lifestyle have no impact on these conditions, but one-by-one, patients are discovering the powerful difference they can make in their own health. Debra’s story is inspiring for the dramatic improvements she’s gained, but also her persistent and holistic approach. There’s no area she doesn’t consider in making her health the best it can be, and her life as full and joyful as possible.

Episode 130: Long-Term Healing Diets

This episode marks the 5-year anniversary of this podcast! When I was thinking about how I wanted to celebrate, I decided to invite 2 friends onto the show who have been following a healing diet for 5 years or more. But that doesn’t mean our diet today looks the same as it did on day 1 of this journey. We’ve personalized it over the years, learning what does and doesn’t work for our unique bodies. We’ve had setbacks and recoveries, and we’ve learned to navigate our bodies’ changing needs.

Episode 71: Trying to Do It All - Work, Family, and Autoimmune Healing

Episode 71: Trying to Do It All – Work, Family, and Autoimmune Healing

Following the paleo diet and lifestyle is a time commitment for anyone, but when your life is already intensely busy, how do you fit it all in? This is a question I’ve gotten from podcast listeners, and in this episode, I have invited three people in this exact situation to share their best tips. My guests are all mothers with autoimmune disease who also work outside the home. In spite of the multiple demands on their time, they have found ways to make a healing diet and lifestyle work. Let’s learn from each other!

Healing Kitchen Cookbook Review & Sample Recipe: Chicken Tenders with Pineapple Dipping Sauce

Have you heard of the Healing Kitchen Cookbook? It’s co-authored by Alaena Haber (Grazed and Enthused) and Sarah Ballantyne (The Paleo Mom), and it fills a niche long missing in the paleo autoimmune community. It’s a cookbook of fast and easy recipes with global flavors that are also easy on the budget. Today, I share the details, a sample recipe for Chicken Tenders with Pineapple Dipping Sauce, and offer you a chance to win your own copy!

Sophie’s Healing Story (Hashimoto’s)

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease that affects over 10 million people in the US alone. Damaging the thyroid gland, it creates symptoms so wide-ranging and confusing that it can be hard to diagnose. Sophie experienced a dramatic health decline that left her unable to work or care for her children. Today, she’s feeling 95% better. She shares her story with us today, including what diet and lifestyle changes made the biggest difference for her.

Angela’s Healing Story (Sjogren’s Syndrome)

By the time Angela was diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome, she was so disabled, she could no longer care for her children. Now, after 3 years on a ketogenic paleo diet, her symptoms are 85% gone, and she’s been able to reclaim her life. She shares the details of her healing journey with us today.

Laura’s Healing Story (Ulcerative Colitis)

Today is World IBD Day, and what better day to share a story about healing ulcerative colitis? When Laura was diagnosed in March 2013, her doctor actually recommended the paleo diet. How cool is that? She’s been paleo ever since. In today’s interview, she shares the details of her first year of healing.

Christie’s Healing Story (Psoriasis & Chronic Fatigue)

I have another inspiring success story to share. This time it’s Christie, who not only is healing her psoriasis through the paleo autoimmune protocol, but also eliminated depression, panic attacks, migraines, chronic fatigue, and more. But this isn’t a story about perfection. It’s about persistence, and the honest sharing of a journey that includes setbacks alongside successes.

Angie’s Healing Story (Celiac, Endometriosis & Lichen Sclerosus)

Angie has celiac disease, endometriosis and an autoimmune skin condition. During the 15 years it took for her to be fully diagnosed, she endured numerous hospital visits, extreme pain and psychiatric symptoms that made her consider checking herself into a mental hospital. The gut-brain connection is real. The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol not only restored her physical health, but her mental health as well. She shares her journey with us today.

Charles’ Healing Story (Ankylosing Spondylitis)

Today’s post is another inspiring success story. Charles has ankylosing spondylitis, an autoimmune condition that affects the spine. At its worst, Charles lived a life of constant, debilitating pain, where pain medication had no effect. His disease also caused a dangerous heart condition. After 2 weeks on a no-starch version of the paleo diet, his pain reduced to a 0-1. Two years later, he continues to maintain the diet, and his heart condition has healed.

Russ’ Healing Story (Takayasu’s Arteritis)

Today, we have another inspiring success story. Russ Crandall has a rare autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in his arteries. He had a stroke at age 24 and open heart surgery at age 26. Medication moderated his symptoms, but It wasn’t until he discovered the Paleo Diet at age 29, that his health started to improve.

Katy’s Healing Story (Inflammatory Arthritis & Crohn’s Disease)

The GAPS, Wahls and Paleo Diets are powerful healing templates, but they often work best when personalized to our needs. Through patience, perseverance, and customizing her diet, Katy has reversed both Crohn’s disease and Inflammatory Arthritis. She shares the details of her healing journey with us in this interview.

Success Stories

Real-life stories of reversing autoimmune disease through the paleo diet and lifestyle.

Episode 39: LDN with Dr. Thomas Cowan

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) is a nontraditional autoimmune medication that sometimes dramatically decreases symptoms at low cost and with minimal side effects. It has been mentioned in some of the healing stories shared on this podcast, so I promised to dedicate an entire episode to learning more. Our guest, Dr. Thomas Cowan, is a medical doctor in San Francisco who uses LDN as part of his autoimmune patient treatment plan. We learn what this drug is, how it works, how to find the right dose, and how to find a doctor who prescribes it.

Episode 35: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)

This episode of the Phoenix Helix podcast is dedicated to my book: A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. I’m joined by three of my friends with autoimmune disease who have used the AIP to manage their own health. We share our healing stories, what worked and what didn’t, and what parts of the book resonate the most with our own journeys. Chelsey has Crohn’s disease. Erin has psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and Raynaud’s disease. Tara has lupus, psoriasis and vitiligo.

podcast graphic with photo of eileen on a mountaintop, sunset behind her

The Final Episode of the Phoenix Helix Podcast

Ten years ago in 2014, I recorded the very first episode of this podcast. Today is the last episode. In this final conversation, I celebrate the past 10 years and share what’s coming next.

podcast graphic with photos of host and guests

Episode 229: Best Of – Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! The topic is Resilience, that ability to bounce back from life’s hardships. With autoimmune disease, we get lots of practice. Sometimes we feel strong and capable of overcoming suffering. Other times we feel beaten down and frightened by our body’s unpredictability. The good news is that resilience isn’t something you either have or you don’t. Resilience is a trait we can nurture. My guest is Dr. Cynthia Li, a functional medicine physician who has autoimmune disease herself. The intensity of her own health challenges ended up being a masterclass in resilience, and also changed the way she practiced medicine.

podcast graphic with photos of host and guest

Episode 196: Troubleshooting with Dr. Terry Wahls

This podcast is all about autoimmune empowerment! Making choices in our daily lives that minimize symptoms and maximize our joy in living. That said, it’s not always easy. Sometimes the habits are hard to start and hard to keep. Other times, you’re doing everything right but not seeing the results you hoped to achieve. So, today, we’re doing a troubleshooting episode with an expert guest and one of my favorite people: Dr. Terry Wahls. She is a functional medicine physician, a clinical researcher, a professor of medicine, and a fellow autoimmune warrior. In this episode, she shares her best advice for thriving with autoimmune disease and troubleshooting the obstacles we encounter along the way. We talk about motivation, family dynamics, digestion, supplements, physical therapy, personalized diets, and more!

Episode 129: Resilience with Dr. Cynthia Li

Our topic today is Resilience, that ability to bounce back from life’s hardships. With autoimmune disease, we get lots of practice. Sometimes we feel strong and capable of overcoming suffering. Other times we feel beaten down and frightened by our body’s unpredictability. The good news is that resilience isn’t something you either have or you don’t. Resilience is a trait we can nurture. My guest is Dr. Cynthia Li, a functional medicine physician who has autoimmune disease herself. The intensity of her own health challenges ended up being a masterclass in resilience, and also changed the way she practiced medicine.

The 5 Most Popular Posts + 5 Favorites of Mine

The 5 Most Popular Posts + 5 Favorites of Mine

I’ve been blogging for many years now and written over 700 posts! How’s that for a statistic? I’m really proud of the treasure trove of information I’ve created, but I also know it can be overwhelming if you’re a new reader. I thought it might be helpful (and fun) to share the posts that are the most popular, alongside 5 of my favorites I don’t want you to miss.

Episode 84: Declutter 101 with Courtney Carver

Our homes can have a powerful effect on our lives. Not only do they reflect our interests and daily responsibilities, they also impact how we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Decluttering can be a cathartic experience with benefits that resonate beyond material things. We learn the practice of letting go. We reflect on what we value most. We make space for change. We let more light in. Autoimmune disease is often a wake-up call for this type of priority-setting, and decluttering can be a way to de-stress and support our health. My guest Courtney Carver has multiple sclerosis herself, which inspired her decade-long journey into simple living. Today, we share practical tips for decluttering everything from our homes, to our emails, to our hearts and minds.

Episode 64: Epigenetics 101 with Bailey Kirkpatrick

Epigenetics is the science of how our experiences and behavior interact with our genes. We aren’t purely our DNA. Our genes are constantly getting turned on and off. This is one of the reasons why the paleo diet and lifestyle can have such a powerful influence on our health. It’s beautifully empowering, but it’s not a magical path to a cure. Once upon a time, people thought our health was 100% determined by our DNA (which we’ve learned isn’t true). Today, some people are claiming that our DNA doesn’t matter at all (also not true). In this episode, we dive into the real science of epigenetics and separate the myths from the truths and discover where we can make a difference! My guest is science writer and research expert, Bailey Kirkpatrick.

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