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Mackerel or Salmon in Magic Sauce | Phoenix Helix

Mackerel (or Salmon) in Magic Sauce (Paleo, AIP, GAPS, Wahls)

Although I grew up on Cape Cod, I never liked seafood, and I was quite content to live without it until I developed rheumatoid arthritis. Fish are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and they’re highly recommended on a healing diet. So, that meant it was time to expand my tastes and give fish another chance. This recipe is perfect. The sauce removes any “fishy” flavor without being too strong a flavor itself. My husband (who loves seafood) loved this recipe, too. That’s a win!

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Episode 227: Autoimmune Q&A with Terry, Sarah, and Eileen

This is a very special episode featuring two of my colleagues and friends: Dr. Terry Wahls & Dr. Sarah Ballantyne! I’ve known these wonderful women for over a decade now. They’re both powerful leaders in the autoimmune community. They are also autoimmune warriors themselves. Today, we’re doing an Autoimmune Q&A: I’ll be asking us all a series of questions about our personal experiences with autoimmune disease, and our best tips for all of you!

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Episode 221: Sound Healing & Autoimmune Disease

Sound Healing is a therapy that uses sound and vibration to balance the mind, body, and spirit. I know that might sound woo-woo to some listeners, but as long as there have been people, music has been used for both expression and healing. There’s also some modern scientific research into its benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, reduced pain, improved mood, and an overall sense of wellbeing. I personally fell in love with sound therapy after developing rheumatoid arthritis. The first time I received a 1:1 sound healing session was transformational. I don’t think I’ve ever felt a relaxation so deep, or my body so perfectly balanced. So, today, we’re doing a deep dive into sound healing, including different types, different instruments, and we’ll be demonstrating some sounds for you as well. It’s going to be a fun episode! My guests are two autoimmune warriors who are also sound healing practitioners: Jo-Anne Suriel and Jennifer Roseman.

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Episode 218: Anti-Inflammatory Foods with VJ Hamilton

When it comes to autoimmune disease, inflammation plays a big role. The higher our inflammation, the higher our symptoms and disease activity. Doctors know this, which is why bloodwork for autoimmune patients usually includes inflammation markers. When it comes to self-care and living well with autoimmune disease, learning how to reduce our inflammation naturally can be very helpful, and our food choices are a big part of that. Which foods have the greatest anti-inflammatory properties? That’s the focus of our discussion today. My guest is VJ Hamilton. She’s a nutritionist who has also studied immunology, and she has autoimmune disease herself. Her specialty is helping people with autoimmune disease thrive. 

Episode 215: Best Of – The Gut Microbiome with Dr. Lucy Mailing

This is one of the most popular podcast episodes – for good reason! There’s a community of 38 trillion microorganisms living in and on our bodies, and most of them reside in our gut. That’s very close to the number of cells in the human body. By this definition, we are only 50% human. This is why gut health has such a huge impact on human health, and research in this area is exploding. What does the science say about the intersection between the gut microbiome and autoimmune health? Where can we apply that knowledge in our own lives? And what are some common myths and misconceptions that new research is starting to dispel? My guest is Dr. Lucy Mailing, a microbiome researcher and scholar of integrative gut health.

Eileen sitting at her kitchen table

How My Diet Has Evolved Over 10 Years With Rheumatoid Arthritis

10 years is a long time! Are you curious where I started and what my diet looks like today? In this blog post, I share my whole journey, including how I ate before getting RA, the diets I tried immediately afterward, the diets that minimized my symptoms the most, and the food freedom I enjoy now. Our bodies change over time, and our diets are meant to change too.

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Episode 211: Indigenous Medicine and Autoimmune Health with Dr. Nicole Redvers

The modern scientific approach to medicine focuses on disease rather than wellness, it focuses on parts of the body instead of the whole, and tends to look at the patient separate from their life and the world in which they live. Traditional Indigenous medicine approaches health very differently, and that’s true for Indigenous traditions worldwide. They tend to embrace a holistic perspective, knowing that we are more than the sum of our parts, and that health is impacted by so much more than physiology. That said, modern medicine still has much to offer, but so does Indigenous medicine. Today, we’re going to focus on some of the Indigenous wisdom that might be missing from your own healthcare. My guest is Dr. Nicole Redvers, a naturopathic doctor, author, and Indigenous health scholar. She is a member of the Deninu K’ue First Nation and has traveled the globe, studying and working with Indigenous communities around the world.

Illustration of letter D in a sunny field

Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disease

Vitamin D is essential to immune system regulation, which is why it’s a commonly recommended supplement for people with autoimmune disease. Can we get all the vitamin D we need from sunshine? What about food? If we need a supplement, how do we choose a high-quality one? What’s the optimal level of vitamin D in our bodies? I dive into the research to answer these questions and more.

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Episode 205: Magnesium and Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Guillermo Ruiz

Food is the foundation of autoimmune health, but there are a few nutrients that are difficult to get through food, and magnesium is one of those. For that reason, it’s a supplement many doctors recommend, and many autoimmune warriors swear by. So, I’m dedicating today’s podcast to magnesium. Why is it so essential? What roles does it play in our body? And how might magnesium (or magnesium deficiency) impact autoimmune health? My guest today is Dr. Guillermo Ruiz, a naturopathic doctor, researcher, and autoimmune expert.

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List of Paleo-Friendly Restaurants Worldwide

Do you remember how it felt to relax in a restaurant? No fear of getting “glutened”? Lots of delicious menu items to choose from, each one packed with flavor? After countless hours searching the internet and double-checking menus, I offer you this list of paleo-friendly restaurants! From Texas to Malaysia, people are operating restaurants based on the belief that food is medicine. If you’re lucky, one of these restaurants is near you. If not, get ready to plan some fun trips!

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Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable #404

The latest Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable is now live! The featured recipes are: Seafood and Cauliflower Gratin, Carrot Muffins, Salmon Power Bowls, and Lemon Chicken Broccoli Sheet Pan Meal. Happy cooking, everyone!

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Episode 197: Parenting with Chronic Illness

Autoimmune disease brings a lot of changes to our lives, and as we all know, it doesn’t just impact us alone. It also impacts those we love – friends, family, and children. Today, I’ve invited three parents with autoimmune disease onto the podcast to talk about their experiences. What has been the most challenging part? How have they adapted as parents? How do they talk to their children about their health? And how have their children grown in response? This is a deeply personal conversation, and I’m so grateful to the guests for sharing. I hope it resonates with every parent listening, and helps you know you’re not alone.

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Episode 195: Detoxify Your Home with Dr. Aly Cohen

When we think of pollution, the first images that come to mind are things like smokestacks, oil spills, smog, and greenhouse gases. But you may not realize that your home can contain pollution as well – in your water supply, in the air you breathe, and in the products you purchase. More than 80,000 new chemicals have been released into the world since the industrial revolution 150 years ago, and most of them within the past 50 years. These chemicals have never been fully tested for their effects on our bodies or the environment. And a lot of them are inside our homes. On top of that, people with autoimmune disease are often more sensitive to chemicals, and toxins can be an autoimmune trigger. I don’t say this to scare anyone. This podcast is about empowerment. So, today we’re going to share tips for reducing the toxins in our homes. Every step we take is a positive one. My guest is Dr. Aly Cohen, an integrative rheumatologist and an expert on non-toxic living.

Episode 192: Healthy Food Swaps & Nutritious Combos with Annie Rubin, RDN

If you’re new to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, a lot of your favorite foods are suddenly off the table and you may wonder what you can eat! In today’s podcast, we share AIP food swaps for the foods you miss the most. We also share some powerful superfood combinations. My guest is Annie Rubin. She is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and an AIP Certified Coach. She’s also a fellow autoimmune warrior living with rheumatoid arthritis herself.

50 Paleo AIP Breakfast Recipes

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) can be life-changing, reducing inflammation and autoimmune symptoms and helping us reclaim a vital and joyful life. However, the elimination phase is intimidating! For many of us, it removes all the foods we used to eat, especially for breakfast. When eggs, grains, and dairy are off the table, what on earth can you eat? I have 50 delicious answers to that question!

Episode 184: Anti-Inflammatory Supplements with Dr. Amy Nett

Inflammation is a root cause for most chronic disease and it’s a major player in autoimmune disease. That’s why most doctors track inflammation on blood tests, because it often corresponds to autoimmune activity. Many patients find anti-inflammatory supplements helpful. Which ones have the most science behind them? How do they each work in our bodies to reduce inflammation? And how can you tell if one might be helpful for you? These are the questions we’ll be answering today, and we’re focusing on three popular supplements: fish oil, curcumin, and quercetin. My guest is Dr. Amy Nett. She’s a medical doctor whose specialty is functional and integrative medicine, and many of her patients have autoimmune disease. 

Episode 183: Detoxifying Foods with Andrea Nakayama

Our bodies naturally have the ability to detoxify and do it every single day. However, problems can develop, and that’s not uncommon with autoimmune disease. The answer isn’t an aggressive “cleanse” where we try to force our bodies to do a year’s worth of detox in 30 days. Instead, we need to support our bodies year-round. There are foods that support our detox pathways, and foods that can interfere with them. That’s what today’s podcast is all about. My guest is Andrea Nakayama, a world-renowned functional nutritionist and educator, whose mission is to change the way we do healthcare by empowering patients to reclaim ownership over their own health.

Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable #384

This week’s Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable is now live! The featured recipes from last week are: Banana Pancakes, Tandoori Chicken, 4-Ingredient Shrimp Salad, and Lemon Turmeric Grilled Salmon. Happy cooking, everyone!

Best of Phoenix Helix: 12 Tips for Eating Paleo AIP on a Budget

I have been writing this blog 8+ years, and there are now over 800 posts including articles, podcasts, and recipes. I know that’s a high number for people to read. So, this summer, I’m featuring some of the best articles you might have missed. Are you afraid you can’t do the paleo autoimmune protocol, because it’s too expensive? Or do you simply want to find ways to make your food dollars go farther? Either way, I’ve got you covered with these 12 tips!

Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable #381

This week’s Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable is now live! The featured recipes from last week are: Easy Dump & Bake General Tso’s Chicken, Coconut Rum Cake, Mango Kiwi Breakfast Parfaits, and 15-Minute Grilled Salmon & Asparagus with Cilantro-Lime Sauce. Happy cooking, everyone!

The 10 Recipes I Cook Most Often | Phoenix Helix

Best of Phoenix Helix: The 10 Recipes I Cook Most Often

I have been writing this blog 8+ years, and there are now over 800 posts including articles, podcasts, and recipes. I know that’s a high number for people to read. So, this summer, I’m featuring some of the best articles you might have missed. People often ask me what my diet looks like day-to-day. This post is the answer! 

Episode 177: GMOs with McKay Jenkins

The first genetically modified food hit the market in 1994. Now, nearly all the food included in a Standard American Diet contains GMO ingredients. The good news is that if you avoid processed foods and shop the perimeter of the store, you cut your GMO consumption dramatically. However, we can’t escape it altogether. The increased herbicide use becomes part of the environment in which we live. There’s cross-contamination of crops, so even farms that strive to be GMO-free often find GMO plants in their fields. And 95% of animal feed is GMO. What are the health risks associated with genetically modified foods? Is it the genetic engineering that’s the problem, or the chemicals that are sprayed on them? How can we make the healthiest choices when it comes to the food we eat? My guest is McKay Jenkins, a professor and journalist who has been writing and teaching about the environment for 30 years. He’s the author of the book, Food Fight: GMOs and the Future of the American Diet.

Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable #370

This week’s Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable is now live! The featured recipes from last week are: Fudgy “Chocolate” Cake, AIP Taco Seasoning, Sweet & Sour Pineapple BBQ Sauce, and Tropical Salmon Salad with Vanilla Citrus Dressing. Happy cooking, everyone!

Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable #358

This week’s Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable is now live! The featured recipes from last week are: Mexican Stew, Vanilla Shortbread Cookies, Beef & Kale Casserole, and Teriyaki Salmon Bowls. Happy cooking, everyone!

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