Food as Medicine

When it comes to maximizing autoimmune health, food is the foundation. Below you’ll find multiple ways to personalize your own healing diet. You can also quickly browse by resource type: articles, podcasts, and recipes. Not sure where to begin? Start here.

Ebook: Paleo AIP Reintroduction Guide with Recipes

The Paleo AIP Reintroduction Guide

A Step-By-Step Guide with Recipes – Strict AIP isn’t meant to last forever. The paleo autoimmune protocol is a powerful tool for healing, and there are two important phases: (1) eliminating potential food triggers temporarily, and (2) reintroducing them very carefully, to see how your body responds. It’s this second phase where we learn to communicate with our bodies, receiving clear messages on the foods that nourish us vs. the foods that harm us. However, it only works when done correctly. Often people rush this second step, reintroducing too many foods at once, or too quickly, and when inflammation hits, they don’t know what caused it. I wrote this e-book to guide you through this process. Click through to learn more, and enter my giveaway for a chance to win a free copy!

Wahls Protocol Book Review & Author Interview

Dr. Terry Wahls is the amazing woman who reversed her MS, moving from a wheelchair to a bicycle, and developed a protocol to help others reverse autoimmune disease as well. Today’s post is a detailed review of her new book, an interview with Terry herself, and a chance for you to win a kindle copy of The Wahls Protocol.

How to Separate Eggs & the Nutritional Power of Yolks

After years of misinformation, it can be hard to wrap your mind around the fact that egg yolks are actually good for you. In fact, they are such superfoods that Chris Kresser recommends eating 3 of them every day, and Sarah Ballantyne recommends them as a first AIP reintroduction to try after the elimination phase. Today, I share why they’re so amazing, dispel cholesterol worries, give you 11 ways to include them in your daily diet, and I even filmed a little video showing you 3 easy ways to separate eggs and get to those luscious yolks.

15 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season on the AIP

The holidays are meant to be about beautiful things: celebration, love, family, fellowship. But they come wrapped in a package that includes stress, pressure and a tradition of foods we can no longer eat. So, how does a paleo autoimmune warrior not only survive, but thrive and enjoy the season? I share my best advice in this post.

Does Healthy Sustainable Seafood Exist?

It’s easy to get lost, navigating the waters of healthy, sustainable seafood. Between overfishing, pollution, toxicity concerns, and food fraud, I almost stopped eating fish altogether. But they are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential to our health. So, I spent hours researching the question, “Does Healthy Sustainable Seafood Exist?” The answer is “Yes” but it can be hard to find. Check out this blog post to learn everything you need to know about this important part of our diet.

My Experience with the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol

I started with the GAPS diet in the summer of 2012 and when I plateaued in my healing, I added the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol in January 2013. In this post, I share how these 2 diets contributed to my autoimmune health and compare my results between the two. I also honestly speak of the emotional rollercoaster of following an elimination/reintroduction protocol: the challenge of living with restrictions, the grief of failed food reintroductions, the joy of successful ones, and the wonder and gratitude of being able to communicate with my body so clearly.

Chocolate: Friend or Foe?

What’s the deal with this delicious, mythical and controversial food? Is it a magic elixir, a heinous junk food, or somewhere in between? I spent hours of research, clarifying its pros, cons, and where it fits on a healing diet. In this post, I share everything you ever wanted to know about chocolate.

The Most Nutrient-Dense Fruits & Vegetables

Want to know which onion has 120 times more antioxidants than the rest? Which fruit has 10 times more nutrition than most vegetables? Which vegetables lose half their nutrition within 2 days of picking and how to slow that process down? Or how to make sure you are getting the medicinal benefit of garlic when you eat it? Here are 20 tips to make your next grocery shopping trip the most nutritious yet.

Paleo AIP Road Trip

I took three road trips during my first year on a healing diet, traveling 2000 miles round-trip for each of them. I stayed on my diet without cheats. This article shows you how.

Nightshade-Free Survival Guide

Ah, nightshades – a flavorful and sometimes spicy little plant family that can cause a lot of pain and inflammation for people with nightshade sensitivity. In this post, I list the most common nightshades, explain how they can be harmful, share the symptoms of nightshade sensitivity, and offer my tips to get along without them.

Paleo AIP Grocery List

If you think the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol is restrictive, check out this list of all the foods you CAN eat! When we eat a wide variety of foods, not only does it make the AIP more enjoyable to follow, it’s also a key to nutrient density. That’s because every food has a unique nutrient profile. So, use this list to break free of any food ruts!

Paleo Autoimmune Protocol FAQ

Part of my AIP series, this post answers frequently asked questions & gives tips for success. How long do I have to stay on the protocol? Why can’t I just take an allergy test? Should I go off my medication when I start the AIP? Why is the reaction to a food stronger after an elimination diet? If I fall off the AIP wagon, do I have to start over on Day 1? How can I help myself succeed on the AIP? I provide answers to these questions and more!

Reintroducing Foods on the AIP: An Overview

The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol includes 2 phases: elimination and reintroduction. We aren’t meant to stay in the elimination phase forever. The reintroduction process is how we learn to communicate with our bodies and personalize our diets. It’s a process that requires patience, and it can be a little confusing and intimidating. Here’s a quick overview of the process.

Link Love: Traveling on the AIP

When you’re on a restricted diet, traveling can seem out of reach, but the world is too big and beautiful for us to stay house-bound. Over the years, I’ve mastered this skill for both road trips and plane travel. I’ve also scoured the internet for other people’s experiences. We can learn so much from each other! In this link love roundup, you’ll find advice for long flights, road trips, camping, cruises, traveling with children, business trips, eating in restaurants, and more.

Wahls Veggie Protocol Q&A

Dr. Terry Wahls has multiple sclerosis and went from a wheelchair to a bicycle with the help of a nutrient-dense paleo diet. She recommends we each eat 6-9 cups vegetables daily. Why are veggies so important? Do we eat them cooked or raw? Are some vegetables more nutritious than others? What if our appetite is smaller than that? Find the answers to these questions and more in this informative post.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Coconut

Coconut is the darling of the paleo community, offering flour to bake with, oil to cook with, milk as a dairy alternative, and the meat itself as a recommended snack. So, what makes it so special? Find out in this in-depth post, along with a recipe for homemade coconut milk.

Would the Real Olive Oil Please Stand Up?

When you start eating for your health, you begin to watch labels closely. But what happens when the labels aren’t telling the truth? Olive oil fraud has become so rampant that an entire book has been written about it. In this article, I share which brands passed and failed authenticity testing, dispel some commonly believed myths about olive oil, and teach you how to find the real thing.

Terry’s Healing Story (Multiple Sclerosis)

When you’re famous, like Dr. Terry Wahls, a lot of people simplify your story. Did you know that Terry has never claimed to be cured? She still has MS symptoms, just far less than before. In this interview, I ask the questions not often asked, like what symptoms still remain and what medication she’s still taking. Where the diet is hard for her, and how her family responded. I think it helps us to see the human journey beyond the hero tales. Because we’re all walking this path in real life. It’s nice to know our heroes are on the ground, right alongside us.

Sample Menus for Paleo, AIP, GAPS & Wahls Diets

When you first read up on healing diets, it can be hard to imagine what to eat, since so many of your old foods are off the table. Here, I give sample menus for the Paleo, Wahls and GAPS Diets.

Comparison of 3 Healing Diets

Have you heard of the GAPS, Paleo and Wahls healing diets and wondered where they’re the same and where they’re different? I did the research and summarized it for you in this article.

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