Food as Medicine

When it comes to maximizing autoimmune health, food is the foundation. Below you’ll find multiple ways to personalize your own healing diet. You can also quickly browse by resource type: articles, podcasts, and recipes. Not sure where to begin? Start here.

15 Hidden Sources of Gluten

When we switch to a paleo diet and start cooking our food at home, we have much more control over food exposures, including gluten. But it’s a tricky molecule that can trigger symptoms in very small doses, and it’s present in some surprising places. Today’s article is meant to educate and empower, not to scare anyone. First, I’ll tell you why avoiding gluten is wise for anyone with autoimmune disease. Then, we’ll cover the places gluten sometimes sneaks into our lives.

Episode 79: Nutrient Density with Dr. Sarah Ballantyne

What does it mean to be a nutrient seeker? Sometimes when we’re on a healing diet, we focus so much on the foods we avoid, that we forget to pay attention to the foods we’re choosing to eat. While it is essential to avoid inflammatory foods, we also need to provide our bodies with the deep nutrition they need to heal. A steady diet of chicken breasts, broccoli, and paleo AIP desserts isn’t going to get us there. So, which foods give us the biggest bang for our nutritional buck? What do our meals and menu look like when we are truly eating for health? That’s what this podcast is all about.

Episode 76: Paleo Surgery Advice with Dr. Terry Wahls and Angie Alt

Surgery can be a traumatic experience for the body – even more so for the autoimmune body – yet sometimes it’s necessary. So, how do we support our health: before, during, and afterward? There are no guarantees in life, but there are things we can do to stack the success odds in our favor. There are also ways to tap resilience when things don’t go according to plan. Dr. Terry Wahls, Angie Alt, and myself, have all had surgery while maintaining our healing diet and lifestyle. In this podcast we share our experience and tips.

Episode 75: Paleo Neurologist Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin | Phoenix Helix

Episode 75: Paleo Neurologist Q&A with Dr. Ken Sharlin

When you find a medical doctor that treats their patients holistically, it’s like a dream come true. Dr. Ken Sharlin believes in the power of a nutrient-dense paleo diet and lifestyle. He’s also the first functional medicine neurologist in the USA. And he understands the pros and cons of medication – when they might be needed, and when they can safely be reduced or eliminated. In this podcast, he shares his treatment tips for neurological autoimmune disease

5 Things I Learned in 5 Years on the AIP

I cannot believe it’s been 5 years! I’m so grateful for that first step I took back in 2012 to reclaim my autoimmune health. Thank you for walking this path with me. To celebrate, I’m hosting an epic giveaway of some of my favorite paleo AIP resources. Because I love all of my readers around the world, I have a USA Prize Package worth $275 and an International Prize Package worth $300. Entering is easy! Just click through to the blog post and answer 2 questions in the Rafflecopter Box. There are no hoops to jump through! I also had fun filming a short video of 5 Things I Learned in 5 Years on a Healing Diet. And the learning never stops!

10 Superfoods for Autoimmune Health

10 Superfoods for Autoimmune Health

Giving up processed foods and following a real-food paleo diet goes a long way to feeding our bodies for health. But we can do even more! When we choose foods that are nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, immune system regulating, and supportive of digestion at the same time, we are truly embracing food as medicine. Thankfully, when it comes to food, there are many excellent choices. Here are some of my favorites. How many of these do you eat?

Episode 71: Trying to Do It All - Work, Family, and Autoimmune Healing

Episode 71: Trying to Do It All – Work, Family, and Autoimmune Healing

Following the paleo diet and lifestyle is a time commitment for anyone, but when your life is already intensely busy, how do you fit it all in? This is a question I’ve gotten from podcast listeners, and in this episode, I have invited three people in this exact situation to share their best tips. My guests are all mothers with autoimmune disease who also work outside the home. In spite of the multiple demands on their time, they have found ways to make a healing diet and lifestyle work. Let’s learn from each other!

How and Why to do a Paleo AIP Sugar Detox

Even when sugar is natural and unrefined, our body still processes it as sugar, and too much sugar in any form is inflammatory. That’s why the leaders of the paleo community warn against eating too much (no more than 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon per day). The problem is that moderating sugar can be hard. You start within the limits – a tiny taste here and there – and before you know it, paleo AIP desserts have become a core part of your daily diet and you’re eating dried fruit by the handful. Suddenly, you notice your healing progress has stalled or even started to move backwards. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but if it’s happening to you, it might be time for a “reset”. In this article, I talk about my own experience with sugar and autoimmune health, and I teach you how to do a sugar detox, including handling your cravings and boosting your mood during the process. I also share the times when a sugar detox isn’t healthy.

Episode 69: Healthy Deviance with Pilar Gerasimo

In the modern world, the cards are stacked against us. From grocery stores filled with foods that aren’t real food, to being bombarded by environmental pollutants, to a culture that takes pride in being busier than ever and wears sleep deprivation like a gold star. When we take steps to recover and enhance our health, we are going against this tide, stepping outside the norm, and it’s not easy! We’re doing it in a world that encourages unhealthy life choices, and sometimes even our closest friends and family try to sabotage our efforts. My guest, Pilar Gerasimo, is a healthcare journalist who has been writing about healthy deviance for decades. In this episode, we talk about the many obstacles we face and strategies for being successful revolutionaries for our own health.

50 Low-Sugar Paleo AIP Dessert Recipes

Honey, maple syrup, and dried fruit may not be refined, but our bodies still process them as sugar. Sometimes we forget this when we’re following a healing diet. We scan an ingredient list, and if it’s on the “yes” list, we think we can eat as much as we want. Not so! Too much sugar in any form is inflammatory, which is why the leaders of the paleo community warn against eating too much. So, this recipe roundup is designed to help us make healthier choices when our sweet tooth beckons. Every recipe on this list has just one tablespoon (or less) added sugar per serving. And here’s another secret: for many of us, the less sugar we eat, the less we crave. Our taste buds begin to change, until simple fresh fruit starts to taste decadently delicious.

The Great Paleo AIP Book & Cookbook Roundup

When I first started the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) on 1/1/13, there were no books for me to reference. A few people like myself had found some basic information on the internet and were figuring it out as we went along. It’s amazing how much has changed since then. There are now 40+ resources created specifically to help people succeed on the AIP. It’s an abundance of choice! In this blog post, I give descriptions of each cookbook to help you find the style of cooking that works best for you. Which ones are your personal favorites, and which ones are you adding to your wish list?

Episode 62: Preventing Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

I have rheumatoid arthritis – a diagnosed autoimmune disease, and most of my readers have autoimmune diagnoses as well. But what if you have symptoms with no known cause? You’ve gone from doctor to doctor, and they simply tell you: “Your lab tests are normal.” While in some ways this is good news, it can also be incredibly disheartening. You have no answers and no direction about what to do next. Dr. Tom O’Bryan is an expert on the development of autoimmune disease, and he writes about the autoimmune spectrum. The autoimmune process begins in our bodies long before enough damage has occurred to warrant a diagnosis. His goal is to help people intervene at this point (or even before they have symptoms) and prevent autoimmune disease before it takes hold. That’s what today’s podcast is all about.

The Paleo AIP Cold & Flu Survival Guide

Sometimes a cold or flu is inescapable, no matter what we do to try to prevent it. It’s happened to all of us, and it’s definitely not fun! Thankfully, there are things we can do to soothe ourselves while we heal. In this post, I share natural health tips for a sore throat, runny nose, cough, sinus congestion, aches/chills, fever, nausea, and the best foods to support healing. I also share some advice for nipping a cold in the bud before it fully blooms. Wishing us health at every level, and comfort for those times we fall ill.

podcast graphic with image of 4 guests

Episode 61: Healing Stories 4

If you’re a regular listener of my podcast, you know that I often start my shows with personal stories, where my guests share their health journeys from rock bottom to reclaiming a vital life. But at a least once a year, I dedicate an episode to back-to-back healing stories, and I make an effort to speak to people with different autoimmune diagnoses each time. In this episode, we’ll be talking about Diabetes, Alopecia, Lupus, Scleroderma, Myositis, Sjogren’s, Raynaud’s and Hidradenitis Suppurativa. And If you want to hear the prior Healing Stories podcasts, check out episodes 1, 14 and 30. Let’s inspire each other!

Episode 60: Transitioning from Vegetarian to Paleo

Many people come to the paleo community after years of veganism or vegetarianism. The reason is usually a health crisis, which can be shocking after eating a diet you thought was healthy for years. Some people embrace meat again without difficulty, but others struggle with ethical concerns, taste and texture issues, and even a loss of identity. In this podcast, I interview Registered Dietitian Diana Rodgers on the nutritional difference between these diets, and how to be an Ethical Omnivore. I also interview nutritionist Kinsey Jackson on her personal journey transitioning from vegetarian to paleo. It was a difficult change for her, but led to dramatic improvements in her autoimmune health.

50 Paleo AIP Holiday Gift Ideas

I’ve always been someone who loved finding the perfect gift, whether small or large, homemade or purchased. This blog post covers all of those categories, with a focus on autoimmune health. I had so much fun putting it together, and found some great items for my friends and a few wish list items for myself as well. Happy Holidays, everyone!

wheat field under a blue sky

What Is Gluten Cross-Reactivity?

You have probably seen lists on the internet of foods that are said to “cross-react” with gluten. What does this mean? Where did this list come from? And is it even accurate? I answer these questions and more!

Episode 55: Saving Time in the Kitchen

Life on a healing diet means preparing most – if not all – of your own food. So, that’s a lotta cooking! Anything that saves us time and makes the process more efficient is a lifesaver. It’s also an important part of being able to stick with a healing diet. In this podcast episode, I have 3 wonderful guests. Together, we share our best tips for making the most food in the least amount of time, without sacrificing nutrition or flavor. This includes our beloved Instant Pot and the magic of batch cooking!

Episode 53: The Food as Medicine Documentary

When Lenore Eklund found that her Crohn’s disease medication made her feel worse instead of better, her husband encouraged her to try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which is similar to Paleo. The results were so dramatic that it inspired this film. However, the documentary isn’t about her personal journey. Instead, it follows the lives of three people just beginning to embark on a healing diet. One tries the paleo autoimmune protocol, one tries SCD, and another tries 80/20 paleo. We see the dramatic positive impact these dietary changes have, but also the great challenges they face as they try to eat healthily in today’s food culture. I love this documentary both for its honesty, and its ability to share the power of real food with mainstream America. If you follow a healing diet yourself, you will relate to the stars of this film. This is also a great film to share with friends, family, and anyone you know struggling with their health.

Episode 51: Marriage and Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease doesn’t exist in a bubble. Its onset changes our own lives dramatically, but it also impacts our relationships. In this episode, I interview three spouses of people with autoimmune disease, including my own husband Tom, Terry Wahls’ wife Jackie, and Matthew Sinclair’s wife Petra. We talk about what it’s like to be married to someone with chronic illness, how they try to support the person they love, and how they also make sure they don’t get lost in the equation.

Episode 46: Paleo Dietitian Q&A with Amy Kubal

Amy Kubal is a well-respected voice in the paleo community. She’s a Registered and Licensed Dietitian with both Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. In this information packed podcast, I ask her: (1) What’s the optimal macronutrient ratio? (2) Are dietary fats healthy or harmful? (3) If we don’t eat dairy, how do we get enough calcium? (4) How do we keep our blood sugar balanced? (5) If we’re having trouble reaching a healthy weight, what can we do? (6) How can we troubleshoot digestive issues? And many more!

mini cupcakes with frosting and strawberries on top

Where Do Natural Sugars Fit on a Healing Diet?

Treats are a point of controversy in the paleo community. Our ancestors had limited access to sugar, natural or otherwise. Yet healing diets also need to be sustainable, and some days we just want a cookie. So, what should we do? In the autoimmune community, this is an even more important question. We aren’t following paleo to simply optimize good health; we’re trying to reverse autoimmune disease, which is infinitely harder. The truth is, our bodies behave very differently than those without autoimmune disease, and sugar can have a bigger impact on our system than the general population. In this post, I look at all aspects of this question and ask some paleo experts their opinion.

Episode 43: Never Too Late! Healing Diets Over Age 60

One of the tragedies of modern life is the belief that health is meant to decline as we age, and there’s nothing we can do about it. In this podcast, I have 3 guests proving otherwise. They all transitioned to a healing diet after the age of 60 and saw a dramatic improvement in their health. They hope to inspire others in their age group (or any age) to do the same!

row of lab vials

Why Food Sensitivity Testing Doesn’t Work

Let’s face it: the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is hard to do. If we could just take a test to identify our food sensitivities, it would be so much easier! So, why don’t we? Unfortunately, food sensitivity testing is unreliable, giving both false positive and false negative results. An elimination diet (like the AIP) is the only accurate way to test for them. It’s called the Gold Standard. This is actually one area where conventional doctors and paleo doctors agree. I realize that this can be very frustrating to hear if you’ve spent a lot of money on these tests already. Click through to read the scientific evidence.

Can I Do the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol as a Vegetarian?

If you’re asking this question and researching paleo, I’m guessing your current diet isn’t improving your autoimmune symptoms, and you’re considering alternatives. Perhaps one of your healthcare practitioners has suggested you try the AIP. I know that if you haven’t eaten meat or seafood for years, possibly decades, it can be a hard thing to consider. So, first let me share the science with you, and then I’ll share some tips for making the transition easier.

Meal Planning – A Paleo AIP Survival Tool

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” That applies to many areas in life, but especially a healing diet. If you don’t have healthy food available when you’re hungry, you’ll be tempted to go off diet and that can lead to an autoimmune flare. Today, I show you how I plan my own meals every week, including a sneak peek into my fridge! I also share a whole bunch of AIP meal planning resources, to make staying true your diet even easier.

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